Teacher Tips with Mrs. Barb

Teacher Tips
by Barb Morgan, Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

November is upon us, along with the season of thankfulness. Use the month to teach your child to be thankful for the many things they have in their lives.
1. Be sure to thank them. If your child helps with something, you observe them sharing, or catch them doing something good, thank them!This will encourage them too appreciate such behavior!
2. Let your child hear you thanking people. Thank your family, friends, or anyone who helps you frequently. Let your child see and hear you showing your appreciation.
3. Make a thankfulness jar. Each day in November, have your child write one thing they are thankful for. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. They may be thankful they got to dig in the dirt, but let it be their words. On Thanksgiving day, get the jar out and read the many things you have to be thankful for!
4. Read books about thankfulness. There are many wonderful children’s books teaching this valuable lesson. “Bear Says Thanks”, “Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are”, “Reach Out and Give”, and “Have You Filled a Bucket Today” are just a few of the many wonderful books out there.

“Keep your eyes open to your mercies. The man who forgets to be thankful has fallen asleep in life.” Robert Louis Stevenson

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